
Photographs & Videos

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Australia 2012

I wanted to load all my Australia Trip Video's up here, but it is taking a long time, is a link to all my FACEBOOK video's which include the Australia Trip amongst others.

The start of my Australia Trip:
The Blue Hole:
The Last night in Australia:
My daughter playing the piano
A video of little miss fooling around 2010
Here is a link to a video of the monkey's fooling around in 2010.
Here are some photos of Radiation.

The above video was taken the day before my 3rd chemo session.  I was trying to find something lovely and unique to do to help me get through the day.

The normal Me.
My doggie and I July 2012

Girly party organized by M at The Oasis
I can't believe I loved this Holt Renfrew Sweater!


Suz in the country said...

Dear Michelle, You are beautiful, with or without hair! Thank you for sharing. Actually, I didn't think it was rambling. And yes, writing our legacy is so important. I wrote my story to encourage my is only a year old. I spend much of my time doing things that will "outlive" me...and writing is one of those. Perhaps prayer is the most important. I am also making baby blankets and crocheted dresses/ bonnets for my great-grandchildren to have one day. Yes, I encourage you to write the story of your Mom. I pray it will help bring healing to your heart. And what a blessing to her to get to share details with you that will be passed down. Legacy is so important. Each person I meet has a story...and each is valuable. Blessings to you as you persevere!

Suz in the country said...

I forgot to mention that this was a response to your reply on the Princess Cruise website. Again, thanks for sharing.

Nancy Hamilton said...

Regarding the Holt Renfrew Sweater. That was prior to them being made in China and I can understand how you loved it. You probably still do if you still have it ;)

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